AcroYoga Solar Immersion in Landau
mit Pascal Weis & Janni Scott-Walton
🇩🇪 deutsch
🇬🇧 english
<h2>Solar Immersion mit Janni & Pascal</h2>
<p>Diesen Sommer freue ich mich sehr, <a href="">Pascal Weis</a> und <a href="">Janni Scott-Walton,</a> gemeinsam mit <a href="">Bernd Broghammer</a> und <a href="">Julia Weis</a>, bei der Solar Immersion in meiner Heimatstadt Landau unterstützen zu dürfen! Die Immersion findet in der Sporthalle am Ebenberg direkt am ehem. Landesgartenschaugelände statt. Die Parks laden zum gemeinsamen jammen und Picknick auf den Wiesen ein...</p>
<p>Hier die Eckdaten, genaueres findest du in der englischen Beschreibung</p>
<p>Intermediate - Bitte checke ob du die <a href="">Vorraussetzungen</a> erfüllst!</p>
<p>17.-18. August &<br />
24.-25. August</p>
<p>9:00 - 12:30 Uhr & 14:00 - 17:30 Uhr</p>
<p>Sporthalle am Ebenberg<br />
Eutzinger Straße 46<br />
76829 Landau in der Pfalz</p>
<p>Beide Wochenenden:<br />
*erste 10 Anmeldungen 445.-€<br />
*regulär 545.-€</p>
<p>nur das erste Wochenende:<br />
*erste 10 Anmeldungen 235.-€<br />
*regulär 275.-€</p>
<p>Gruppenpreise:<br />
*3er Team 400.-€/Person<br />
*5er Team 380.-€/Person</p>
<h2>Solar Immersion mit Janni & Pascal</h2>
<p>17th - 18th & 24th - 25th August 2019</p>
<p>Pascal and Janni, with the incredible support of <a href="">Julia Weis</a>, Bernd Broghammer & <a href="">Christian Gieger</a>, are delighted to bring the first Solar Immersion to Landau.<br />
With the event taking place over two consecutive weekends, it has never been easier to get four days of intensive AcroYoga training into your life!</p>
<p>We believe that Acrobatics should be safe, accessible and fun. Using linear progressions and emphasising the art of Spotting, we will guide you from L-basing to Standing Acro, from handstand training to Hand-to-Hand with plenty of washing machines and cool sequences & transitions along the way.<br />
Get ready to push past your own personal limits with the full support of the teaching team and your fellow students.</p>
<p>••• The AcroYoga Solar Immersion empowers students to realize their infinite potential through the powerful embodiment of acrobatic partnership •••</p>
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• Solar AcroYoga Asana sequence<br />
• Strength training elements<br />
• Alignment, balance and endurance in inversions<br />
• Spotting techniques<br />
• Specialized Acrobatic flying groups (2 bases, 2 flyers)<br />
• Foot-to-Hand, Hand-to-Hand & 2-High Acrobatics.<br />
**This course fulfills an Immersion pre-requisite for the AcroYoga Teacher Training application.**</p>
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In order to maximise your experience at the Immersion, we suggest you are familiar with the drills and skills shown in this video - <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-lynx-mode="hover"></a><br />
If you have any questions or are not sure you’re ready, get in touch and we’ll support you and find a way to get you ready!</p>
<p>VENUE<br />
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Sporthalle am Ebenberg<br />
Eutzinger Straße 46<br />
76829 Landau in der Pfalz</p>
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9:00 - 12:30 & 2:00 - 5:30</p>
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all 4 days (17.-18. & 24.-25.):<br />
* first 10 sign-ups: 445.-€<br />
* regular price: 545.-€</p>
<p>team discounts:<br />
* 3 people team 400.-€ / Person<br />
* 5 people team 380.-€ / Person</p>
<p>only the first weekend (17.-18. August.):<br />
* first 10 sign-ups: 235.-€<br />
* regular price: 275.-€</p>
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<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" data-lynx-mode="hover"></a><br />
Email us at this address:</p>
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• One month or more prior to the course start date = full refund minus €50 processing fee.<br />
• Within one month to one week prior to the course start date = 50% refund.<br />
• A week or less before the course start date or during event = no refund, no credits, no exceptions.</p>
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Verschlagwortet mitacroyoga, janni scott-walton, julia weis, landau, pascal weis, solar immersion